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4 easy steps that finally reduced my anxiety after a concussion

Writer's picture: SilvieSilvie

Are you dealing with anxiety after sustaining your concussion? 

I also dealt with anxiety and panic attacks and after a while, I noticed I was always fighting against it, making my anxiety worse. Which is not helping and also making my post-concussion syndrome worse.

The first time I noticed a positive change in my anxiety was after learning about the DARE response. 

anxiety after a concussion

This DARE response is about facing the anxiety instead of feeding your anxiety thoughts, which makes it worse.

In this 4-minute video, I explain how it works. Click on the video below to watch it. Prefer to read? Scroll down! 

Sign up for my free online masterclass: The 2 proven methods to drastically reduce concussion symptoms by 50% within 3 months. 

So, every time you feel anxiety is coming up, apply the steps of DARE.

The D stands for Defuse, the A for Allow, the R for run towards and the E for Engage.

Let me quickly explain what is means so you can end anxiety after sustaining a concussion as well.

Step 1: Defuse

The first step is Defuse. When we get anxious, we always have “what if” thoughts. What if I get a panic attack… These thoughts feed the anxiety, making it more intense. Instead of asking yourself the what-ifs, ask yourself, so what? So what if I get a panic attack in public? Someone will help me.

These answers create a positive reaction to your anxiety, and you stop feeding the thoughts

anxiety after a concussion

Step 2: Allow

Then you move to the next step, Allow. Accept and allow the anxiety to happen. Become comfortable with the anxiety with this different approach and the anxiety begins to fall away naturally. You can say to yourself: I accept and allow this anxious feeling. 

Or say to yourself: Hi, there you are here again. Come here and take a seat. Invite it in.

anxiety and post concussion syndrome

Step 3: Run towards

Then, you move on to the third step. To break the illusion that anxiety is a threat, you run towards it. Fear and anxiety are almost identical sensations and responses; the difference is in our perception.

When you start to feel anxious, say to yourself: “I am excited by this feeling” over and over again. Fake it till you make it.

anxiety after a concussion

Step 4: Engage

Then, the last step is Engage. Anxiety after a concussion will always look for a way to reel you back in, so it is important to find a task you can engage with to fully calm down. For example, go for a walk, prepare some food, do some laundry.

anxiety and post concussion syndrome

End the fear of anxiety

The goals with these steps is not to end anxiety but to end the fear of anxiety.

It’s about giving yourself that little push, so you may realize you can handle more than you thought. Because the combination of anxiety and post concussion syndrome may result is staying home often. When you stay at home, you signal to your brain that there is indeed danger, so essentially, that's a confirmation, telling your brain, "it's good that you stay home, there is danger."

But when you go (even when you feel anxious) you're telling your brain, "see, there is no danger, it went well." In this way, you're actually training yourself more and more to show that situations aren't always "scary."

To understand it better, I can recommend the book (it’s also in audio format on Amazon) or the app. There is a lot of free content on this app. Just search for DARE in the app store and look for that flying purple person you see here next to the phone on the slide.

Here you find the DARE book on Amazon (read the reviews;)): Click here

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The 2 proven methods to reduce concussion symptoms by 50% within 3 months.

That 90% of the concussion survivors don't know about.


✔️ The four mistakes that 90% of concussion survivors make as to why they aren't moving forward.

​✔️ The two most important tools that have allowed 500 of my clients to reduce their symptoms within a few months.​

✔️ Exact practical and mental steps you can take to finally reduce your symptoms.

✔️ How you can achieve much more with a simple strategy than doing 1,000 things at once.

​✔️ How to ensure that, despite fears of a setback and uncertainties (because so far nothing has worked), you still take action and achieve results.

✔️ The science behind the two tools so you know why this is a game-changer for many concussion survivors.

Can't wait to see you in the LIVE masterclass! Register here.

anxiety after a concussion


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