My 2 Boost Courses | Concussion Community
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My 2 Concussion Boost Courses.

Specifically designed for concussion survivors and proven effective by thousands of other survivors.

Say goodbye to symptom management –let's overcome symptoms and live life to the fullest.

2 methods backed by research
interval training & cognitive exercises. 

You are a concussion survivor who...

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Is not interested in 85 general treatments that address common complaints and typically provide only temporary relief. 

Feel stuck and don't want to meet 20 doctors again who often provide incorrect advice, misdiagnose you or simply advise focusing on acceptance.

✅ Is tired of the cycle of trying various treatments and working with individuals who promise quick fixes or 'magic pills,' which initially inspire hope but ultimately drain energy, money, or lead to setbacks.

✅ Is not yet at the point where you want or hoped to be, which is frustrating because you know you can achieve much more than your current status. You seek proven methods tailored to concussions with long-lasting results.

Many concussion survivors know much more is possible but continue to struggle for years without having any idea what they are doing.

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If you feel like this, you're at the right place.


That's also proven by thousands of other concussion survivors.

Rather than "just doing something" and overwhelming yourself with countless options that may not apply to your situation, let's prioritize focusing on doing the right thing: two proven and researched methods to achieve faster progress.

That's what we are going to do within the 2 Concussion Boost Courses.

You want concrete, detailed knowledge tailored to concussions and backed by research with long-lasting results.

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There is a lot of different advice...

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Your doctor: Please go home and rest as much as possible, as within a few weeks, you will be better. 

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Your family/friends:"I knew someone with a concussion, and because of "this," he was healed within 4 weeks."


Your psychologist: "It's important not to make your concussion the main thing in life, focus on positive things."

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Your colleagues:"I wish I had a day off, too. Enjoy the sun and do some yoga; that will help to feel better"

Your physiotherapist: "This was our last session. I think it's important to focus on acceptance from now on." 

The insurance company: "You can't prove it? Then it's not there. We are all getting older, try not to make that a big deal." 

I can imagine that at some point, you struggle with what you should actually do.

And that's often where things go wrong: incorrect advice is followed, lacking grounded guidance from real concussion experts. This can result in not achieving the desired outcome or, even worse, making you feel worse.
That's why.. 

In the Concussion Boost Courses, we focus on 2 proven and researched methods (by a neuroscientist) tailored to concussions so you know exactly what you should do to reduce your symptoms.

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For concussion survivors who can’t exercise and/or have already tried multiple ways to reduce symptoms but haven't felt the benefits.

Amy no longer enjoyed her life, she was just surviving...

I understand that sometimes you might think, 'Well, Amy can move forward, but I'll never be able to. My symptoms are more severe and different."

At least that's what Amy (and I too) often thought.

That's why I want to share Amy's story with you.

Amy struggled with the most 'normal' things and tasks:

Having conversations, going to the supermarket, making phone calls, driving, controlling her emotions, returning to work, performing more than one task per day, and on top of that, she suffered from daily headaches, fatigue, and migraines.

In short, Amy no longer enjoyed her life; she was just surviving.

After trying almost all the treatments she could think of, she felt discouraged.


Doctors told her she had to accept her situation and learn to cope with it.

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She realized that as long as we don't know everything about our brain, it's also not a fact that I can't progress anymore. The chance that I can progress is just as great. She chose to believe the latter.

So she decided to start the Concussion Boost Courses.

She went from being someone who was always at home, to someone who enjoys her social life again.

She no longer has daily headaches, her migraines have decreased and she has just started driving again. She now wakes up every day with a clear head instead of brainfog.

Now you might be wondering what Amy did to make such progress? 

Amy started applying specific interval training and cognitive training. Which you will learn in my Concussion Boost Courses. 


The 2 researched methods we focus on

Both methods are reserached by Dr. Mark Allen, Neuroscientist and Co-Founder of Cognitive FX, who developed the scientific foundation that makes this approach unique.

Method 1: Interval training + breathing exercises

Watch the 5-minute video to learn why this specific interval training is so effective for people with a concussion.


Prefer to read? Scroll down! 

But what is interval training?

Interval training consists of short bursts of intense exercise alternated with, in our case, a special breathing exercise. 

In this course, we focus on interval training combined with specialized breathing exercises, proven to effectively alleviate concussion symptoms. Credit to Dr. Mark Allen, Neuroscientist and Co-Founder of Cognitive FX, for developing this unique approach.

2 reasons why this interval training is more effective for a concussion than a normal workout:


Every time you do interval training, you get a boost of neurotransmitters, proteins, and oxygen in the brain. All those are helpful, but the most helpful neurochemical for people with a concussion is Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Interval training is by far the fastest and most efficient way to maximize a BDNF boost.



​It helps to regulate the autonomic nervous system. The fight-flight system and the "rest and digest" system are out of balance. The fight-flight response is often stuck in a state of overreacting. These intervals and the breathing exercise will help the rest system to become more active.

The goal is that your body will pick this up automatically, which is why consistency is important.

See below a scan of the brain before and after doing the intervals. 


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Method 2: Fifteen cognitive exercises

Watch the 3-minute video to learn why these cognitive exercises are so effective for people with a concussion.


Prefer to read? Scroll down! 

Why are these cognitive exercises effective for concussions?

During the first few days of recovery, that inflammation can prevent your brain from using certain communication pathways the way it normally would. 

For most people, those pathways resume working as normal after a week or two. But for people with post-concussion symptoms, the brain gets so used to moving around areas affected by the head injury that it keeps doing so even after recovery. 


That means your brain is sending blood flow and information around the damaged areas. That drains energy and takes longer, resulting in persistent symptoms. 


Restoring these damaged pathways is possible, but your brain needs the right push to recover; that's where the 15 cognitive exercises come in.


We want to go from this left half with weaknesses or detours to a well-functioning brain, the right half. So, we create new pathways and strengthen them. When this happens, numerous symptoms can decrease. 


It's important to focus on exercises that target all areas of your brain, focusing on the pathways that are damaged after a concussion.

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Notice improvements yourself

Based on my own experience and 500+ other concussion survivors

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✔️ You’ll notice your head feels less fatigued as more oxygen is coming to your brain. It will heal faster.

✔️ You can control your fight/flight response.


✔️ You'll notice your anxiety is manageable, and nothing coming out of nowhere anymore. 

✔️ You know how to calm down your brain and your nervous system. 


✔️ You will get more energy, and your headaches are reducing. 

✔️ Your hope and motivation are back, and you'll feel more motivated than ever about your recovery.

✔️ You regain exercise confidence as you see benefits rather than feeling worse.

✔️ You experience less overwhelm and noise sensitivity.

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About me


Hi! I am Silvie, 32 years old and in May 2017, I had a scooter accident, which caused me whiplash and concussion. That day, I went home after the accident, not knowing I’d just walked into a new life.

"I was constantly torn between "I can't let this concussion ruin my life" and "I have to listen to my body and rest".

I struggled for years to find the right help and understand what was going on with me. The regular doctors I visited couldn't address my symptoms.

In all those years I was Googling to find experts who could help me. I was missing the correct knowledge to move forward.

After years of struggle, I am back to feeling my old self again...


In June 2019, I spent $10k on a treatment; I went to Cognitive FX 


A concussion center in Utah is where I learned everything about specific interval training and cognitive exercises specialized for people with a concussion.

This helped me overcome my concussion symptoms. That's why I want to make this knowledge more accessible for everyone so they can reduce their symptoms too.

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I've poured my heart and soul into developing these 2 boost courses.

In the courses, I teach others implement these specific interval and cognitive training techniques in the most beneficial way to ensure they get the best results in reducing their symptoms.

Because simply engaging in 'some' cardio exercises or doing ‘some’ puzzles won't bring about a massive change.

More is needed if you truly want to overcome your symptoms.


PS: I want to credit Dr. Mark Allen, Neuroscientist and Co-Founder of Cognitive FX, who developed the scientific foundation that makes this approach unique. 


Concussion survivors helped reduce symptoms


Years concussion
(and whiplash)

survivor myself


Concussion survivors helped with interval/cognitive training

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Introducing my 2 Boost Courses

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Learn how to do the intervals and cognitive exercises in the most beneficial way to reduce concussion symptoms.

What's inside?

1. 2-Week Interval Course

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You will receive lifetime access to the 2-week interval course focusing on the most effective exercise for concussions: interval training.

Developed by Dr. Mark Allen, Neuroscientist and Co-Founder of Cognitive FX, this unique approach combines interval training with specific breathing exercises, proven to reduce symptoms effectively.

21 videos + 2 hours of bonus materials to calm down.
Available online in video/text format.

Don't worry, you don't have to go through everything to start, there is a step-by-step guide.

2. 5-Week Cognitive Course

You will gain lifetime access to the 5-week cognitive course.


Let's restore damaged pathways and create new ones in the brain, which can reduce many symptoms.

Through 15 specific exercises, researched and proven effective, we target all areas of your brain, focusing on those affected by a concussion.

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25 videos + 1.5 hours of bonus materials to calm down.

Available online in video/text format.

Don't worry, you don't have to go through everything to start, there is a step-by-step guide.

These exercises utilize everyday objects like post-it notes, balls, and playing cards, along with printable PDF sheets and audio/video recordings. They cover multitasking, balance, vision, memory, movement, word/number/card games, and cognitive tasks.


At the end of these 2 courses...


✓ You will notice the first improvements that make you feel more motivated than ever.

You will know exactly why interval training is the most effective exercise for people with a concussion. 

✓ You will know how it helped me and how long it took before my symptoms reduced.


✓ You will know how to do the interval training yourself in the most effective way to reduce your concussion symptoms and notice your first improvements.

✓ You will have 15 cognitive exercises as a baseline to do cognitive training. You can do them over and over again and make every exercise less or more challenging.

✓ You will know exactly what to do to reduce the fight/flight mode, your anxiety, headaches, fatigue, and increase your energy levels. 

✓ You will finally have the right knowledge about what to do to move forward in your recovery. 

✓ You will be able to rely on your body, enjoy the process of healing and gain more control over it.

✓ You stay motivated and you know how to move forward. 

What other people said about the courses...

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Once again, here's what you'll receive
(based on a $10k treatment):

Value: $422

2-Week Interval Course:

✔️ Lifetime access to the 2-Week Interval Course - Value $347:

Here, you'll learn everything about how to implement the proven interval training and the breathing exercises in the most beneficial way to reduce concussion symptoms. After sustaining a concussion, some connections may have fallen out of use, or are not working properly anymore. Interval training will help you restore the "roads".

✔️ Interval Step-by-Step Guide (value $75):

Do you often feel overwhelmed? Download or print this guide to know exactly what you need to do to start interval training right away.

✔️ My exact 3-month interval schedule:

This is the exact schedule I used to improve my symptoms. 

✔️ Option to print the entire program:
So you don't have to constantly look at your screen.

Value: $772

5-Week Cognitive Course:

✔️ Lifetime access to the 5-Week Cognitive Course - Value $697:

Here, you'll learn everything about the 15 proven cognitive exercises to stimulate and regulate those regions of your brain that are not functioning properly after a concussion. We create new pathways and strengthen them. When this happens, numerous symptoms can decrease. It's essential to do it right so that all parts of your brain are addressed. 

✔️ Cognitive Step-by-Step Guide (value $75):
If you prefer to begin immediately with the 15 cognitive exercises or want to reduce screen time, download or print this guide. It offers step-by-step explanations of the exercises and serves as a handy reminder. 

✔️ My exact 3-month cognitive schedule:

This is the exact schedule I used to improve my symptoms. 

✔️ Option to print the entire program:
So you don't have to constantly look at your screen.

Total Value: $1194

You can now enroll for:

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One-time payment / Lifetime access

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Are you still unsure whether the courses are suitable for you? Send me an email at, and I will think along with you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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