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How long does it take for a concussion to heal? Dealing with uncertainty.

Writer's picture: SilvieSilvie

Updated: Jan 10, 2024

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You may be reading this blog because you’re also part of the “lucky” group of people who have not recovered from their concussion within the normal time of 7-10 days. You may be wondering what to do because your symptoms are not going away—or even if they’re ever going to go away. How long does it take for a concussion to heal?! This question was in my head every day during the first year.

How long does it take for a concussion to heal

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How long does it take for a concussion to heal? Dealing with “Not Knowing”

When I talk about “not knowing”, I mean that I had no idea what to do to get better—or even if I would ever get better. I wondered if should focus on just accepting that I had a concussion, or on finding to help me heal. The worst part was that no one could tell me if I was ever going to get better.

Always Searching

I often wondered, “What if there are no treatments, and this is it?” I’d already spent two years searching for a treatment to heal me, but I couldn't find one. Did I want to spend the rest of my life searching? Did I just need time and patience? I wondered if I should just focus on how to deal with my concussion symptoms, instead of healing it.

Still, I never gave up hope; I always believed (and still believe) that it’s possible to heal from a concussion. So, I kept searching and searching. Of course, I ’can’t lie and say that some days, I did think about giving up, but I think we all have those days on our journeys.

Always in Conflict with Myself

I was always in conflict with myself because I didn’t know what to do. I wondered if I should I rest as much as possible because one doctor told me to, or if I should not rest and do exercise and try to resume my normal life instead because another doctor told me to do that. There was no main plan to fix my issues, and I had the feeling that most doctors just said what they thought would be best. It felt like their advice wasn’t based on evidence because there was no evidence, nor were there any guarantees that any treatment would heal my concussion, and not knowing what to do wasn’t easy at all.

I Became My Own Doctor

Everyone was telling me different things, so I had to search for everything myself, trust my intuition when it came to treatments, and trust my body about what was best for my healing process. This often resulted in major setbacks, after trying new therapies and dealing with a lot of disappointment when they didn’t work. It felt like I was in this concussion spiral and didn’t know how to get out of it.

My Life Was on Pause

I didn’t know what the future would bring, so it was really had to make plans. It felt like my life was on pause, and I was waiting until I was healed and could continue it, but I didn’t want to “wait” for years—especially when there was no guarantee that I would ever be healed.

Acceptance is Part of the Healing Process

I decided to accept that I couldn’t do things the way I was used to. From the moment I accepted it, it felt like I was making progress. I had always been looking for a miracle treatment, but what if the tools for healing were already inside me? I focussed on self-love, acceptance, gratitude, and everything that I could still do and enjoy in life. I changed my mindset from negative to positive.


I truly believe that it all happened for a reason, and my healing couldn’t start before I grew as a person. I am full of self-love right now—something I wasn’t before my accident, something that I needed to find to enjoy my life, instead of racing through life, like I always did before my accident. If not for my concussion journey, I would never have learned to love myself. I am grateful for that, and I hope you will experience the same. It isn’t something that happens overnight, but if you focus on it, find help, find a coach, and find support, then you will get there.

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how long does it take for a concussion to heal

Have you tried many things to reduce your symptoms?

But do you notice... It's not progressing as quickly as expected? Do you feel that much more is possible but that you've just hit a roadblock on how to best achieve it?

In my free online masterclass, I share the two proven and researched methods that allowed me to reduce my symptoms by 50% within three months and ultimately even by 90%. And this also applies to 500 other concussion survivors who have already applied these methods.


7 things that have helped me:


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