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The Epiphora Method

Resolve Disrupted Brain Circulation

After sustaining a concussion/whiplash, brain circulation can be disrupted, leading to unexplained recovery delays. The Epiphora Method restores proper brain circulation.

Currently known in the Netherlands and already used by hundreds of thousands of people with positive results. Now it is making its way to the international market.

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Stimulating blood circulation and rediscovering healing power

With the Epiphora Method, you restore the blood circulation to your brain and eliminate accumulated waste products. This restores balance between the survival and recovery systems, enabling your body to regain the healing power necessary for persistent complaints such as post-concussion, post-COVID syndrome, fibromyalgia, (aura) migraine, ME/CFS, sleep problems, or chronic pain.

Is concussion recovery eluding you, and do you not understand why?

Under normal circumstances, our body is very capable of healing itself. However, this ability can be significantly disrupted by a limited blood flow to our brains. This leads to a deregulating effect on our autonomic nervous system, which starts sending incorrect signals, resulting in symptoms that do not recover. This is often the main cause of unexplained lack of recovery.

Possibly a disruption in blood flow

The Epiphora Method assumes that there is a disturbance in the supply and drainage of blood to the brain. This can be caused by factors such as a concussion or whiplash, as well as by heredity, hypermobility, incorrect posture, or prolonged stress.

Do you have one or more of the symptoms below?
Then the Epiphora Method might help you!

Sensitivity to light and/or sound

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Blurred vision

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Headache and scalp pain

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Brain fog

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Pressing feeling on the head

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Irritable bowels

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Cold body

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Acidic muscles

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How does the Epiphora Method work? 

When trust in your body is restored, real recovery can begin!

Daily exercises for your recovery

With the Epiphora Method, you will learn a series of posture and movement exercises incorporating breathing techniques. This helps regulate blood flow to and from the brain, consequently restoring your body’s self-healing capabilities, reducing or eliminating symptoms.


You apply the method twice a day, 15 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes before bedtime. Throughout the day, you maintain good posture, and as needed, you can apply the method more frequently. The exercises are primarily done while lying down.

It’s not a quick fix but a method that requires daily practice, with my guidance throughout your process.

The Circle of Willis
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Oxygen-rich blood to the entire brain

Our brain is supplied with blood by two carotid arteries and two vertebral arteries, located at the back of the neck. The Circle of Willis is the arterial connection between the front, middle, and back parts of our brain. Even if there is an obstruction through the neck, the Circle of Willis can still supply the entire brain with oxygen-rich blood.

Imbalance due to insufficient blood flow

However, it appears that the Circle of Willis shows abnormalities in more than two-thirds of people. This can lead to a lack of blood flow if there is reduced blood supply from the neck arteries (for example, after a whiplash or due to posture weakness). This triggers a reaction in the brain that puts the entire body into a stress state. If this disruption persists, many symptoms of imbalance can arise, and recovery remains elusive.

Epiphora Method by Hans Timmerman

The Epiphora Method was discovered and developed by physiotherapist/haptonomist Hans Timmerman. He has integrated elements from physiotherapy, manual therapy, haptonomy, breathwork, and transpersonal psychology into a simple and effective system.

My (Silvie's) experience with the Epiphora Method

​At the beginning of May 2024, I started the Epiphora method with a bit of skepticism. It had come across my path several times, was frequently mentioned in my inbox by others, and at a moment when I was feeling less well, I thought, you know what, I have nothing to lose.


I noticed a difference in the first week. My mind was clearer, and I was less tired. Now, four months later, I feel SO much better. It’s incredible what this can do for your body. I’m so excited about it that I want to share this with everyone.


Right now, I’m considering getting my certification (and medical basic knowledge) so I can teach the method to others. I’ll have more news about this soon!


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